Monday, December 8, 2008
Blog for Techie Diva and Hp Magic Giveaway - all for the kids
So, what exactly will I do? Well, the holiday season is for spending time with friends and family and spreading cheer wherever you are. As I've grown up, it's fun for me to see the excitement on the faces of kids when they get overwhelmed about presents. That why I will give the entire prize to my favorite charity, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude gives hope to kids and their families all year long. The kids deserve all that they can to give them the best time while they are away from their friends at home this holiday season. St. Jude treats children of all ages and the prizes included in this package has something for all ages.
I typically do not get excited about contents but thinking about being able to give this to St. Jude is exciting. So, please wish me luck so kids in need can benefit. Also, please visit Techie Diva's Web site and read about the contest. It's a win-win situation as long as the winner does something positive with the prize pack.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
BlackBerry Storm Experience E-mail: Fail
I admit that I am very excited about the first touchscreen BlackBerry, called the Storm. Verizon sent an e-mail to me today regarding the BlackBerry Storm which invited me to take a 360° tour of the device. Excellent, right? Far from it. This is what I get:
Here is the actual URL:
I also tried to view in Internet Explorer and no luck. Is this understandable and likely just an oversight? Yes. It is simply a careless error that I would not expect from a marketing campaign.
I did see some posts on this a couple of days ago so I thought it was exclusively from Rogers. Please post a comment if any information is known about this.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mobile Marketing Campaigns - Where are the Numbers?
For the past 2 months of searching I have found an abundance of information on what new mobile campaigns are being planned and executed thanks to sites like MocoNews, Mobile Industry Review, MobileCrunch and Mobile Marketing Watch. What I feel there is a lack of is the results from those campaigns. Sure, quotes like, "We saw an increase in sales" helps but specific numbers on methodologies used, abandon rate, what worked, what didn't are hard to come by. How was mobile incorporated in to other media? Did you see the mobile cannibalized other efforts in the campaign?
I came across MobiAD News today and was pleased to find a list of mobile campaigns in one spot that went in to fairly deep review and explanation of the campaign. I completely agree that Mobile Marketing is new and exciting but let's get passed the giddiness for a moment and get down to what works and what doesn't and progress mobile efforts to where they could and should be. With the current state of the economy, it is now that we should be seeing the most innovative thinking to provide consumers what they are looking for.
Please comment below if you know of any good resources, free or paid (preferably free).